30 May 2018

Appointment of ASSDA General Manager: Lissel Pilcher

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Lissel Pilcher as ASSDA General Manager, effective immediately.

Lissel is in her eighth year of working for ASSDA, having joined the Association in 2011 from a background in property development. She has been instrumental in the delivery of all ASSDA publications and events, including our annual PacRim Stainless Conference. Over the years, she has stepped up to the challenge of taking on additional responsibility in the management and promotion of almost all ASSDA activities, from fabricator accreditation and educational webinars, to advocacy campaigns including PR management for the Queensland jobs campaign in support of local manufacturing.

Lissel brings energy, stability and commitment to ASSDA, and I am pleased to see her meet the challenges presented. She will continue to manage the communications for the Association, and in planning for the future, will now also lead the operational matters of ASSDA to assist with the day-to-day management of ASSDA activities, develop and execute strategic initiatives to improve performance and grow our position in the industry.

ASSDA has a long track record of providing quality products and services that deliver benefits, and the Board would like to see the Association continue to expand its network and grow with the industry for the benefit of its members.

In Lissel's appointment, the Board has also taken the opportunity to restructure the Association, and we are excited to announce that we are now advertising to recruit a Membership and Business Development Manager.

The position will focus on enhancing ASSDA's profile through the delivery of continued membership growth and retention, while optimising revenue streams and activity seeking new opportunities for market growth and development.

The role is vital to the success of our growth strategy, and if you know of someone that could fit this role, we encourage you to direct them to the job advertisement on Seek: https://www.seek.com.au/job/36347637

Thank you for joining me in congratulating Lissel in her promotion, and I look forward to the opportunities ahead in growing the Association and our industry.

Yours faithfully


Stephen Robertson
ASSDA President