Australian Stainless Blog

Stainless skids provide strength and hygiene

Stainless skids provide strength and hygiene

Stainless steel forms a significant part of a beef abattoir, including the conveyors, fixed and elevated platforms, sterilisers, chutes, hand wash basins and, of late, water supply and wastewater piping. The stainless component may now expand even further in new abattoirs with the recent development of cast stainless steel skids and forged hooks for use on dressing conveyors.

Council Impresses With Stainless

Council Impresses With Stainless

When the Gold Coast City Council was seeking a stable and visually stunning medium for use on their Kirra Point board walk project, they looked no further than stainless steel!

Livable Art

Livable Art

A Melbourne artist and designer is using stainless steel to blur the lines between form and functionality. 

New Pulp Mill Relies on Stainless

New Pulp Mill Relies on Stainless

1,200 tonnes of stainless steel plate and coil and over 47,000 metres of stainless steel pipe and tube has been used in the construction of a new $400 million unbleached pulp and paper mill in Tumut, New South Wales.